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Outdoor | Open air  screens

LED Display Projects for Advertising Applications

Outdoor Displays

    Led Display, the use of which has increased rapidly in Outdoor Advertising in recent years, has become a high-yield revenue gateway in the right locations, with the right marketing strategies. If Outdoor Advertising is going to be made with Led Screens, the things to consider are primarily:  

1. Choosing the Right Location
2. Obtaining Legal Permissions
3. Choosing the Right Led Display
4. Supply of Led Display from the right supplier
5. Correct Promotion
6. Correct Pricing

one.  The more people pay attention to a billboard, the more it will attract the attention of advertisers. This will lead to more demand for Led Display.  In the city centers, especially the areas with heavy human traffic are the most ideal points.  Then, locations with high vehicle traffic can also be preferred. At these points, in order for the drivers to see the Led Screen for a long time, if the traffic flow rate is slow or if there is fast traffic, the screen should be positioned so that it coincides with the drivers.

  2. A low-cost and long-term agreement should be signed with the person or institution that owns the place where the display is planned to be installed. The terms of this agreement should be drawn up in detail and the contract should be prepared by an experienced lawyer, if possible. Before signing the ground contract, legal permission should be requested by applying to the relevant municipality. Legal permissions are often the subject of discussion if the Led Display will be located within the borders of private property, there is usually no need for permission in this regard, however, the relevant municipalities may face obstacles, which brings the involvement of the courts to solve the problem. To date, there have been dozens of decisions given by the courts in favor of those who want to install Led Display. The main problem stems from the fact that municipalities have previously given the right to make Outdoor Advertising to companies, and the contracts made with these companies generally include streets, boulevards and intersections, and do not cover advertising activities to be carried out on private properties. If LED screens are to be installed in places such as intersections, pavements, parks, which are authorized for use in the municipality, permission must be obtained from the municipality.

  3.  Of course, if we consider it by ignoring the quality, the higher resolution a Led Screen has, the clearer the image will be. Two factors are very important here:

             1) Size of Led Screen
                        2) Resolution of Led Screen
Our Led Screen should comply with the definition of GIANT SCREEN as much as possible. Of course, the concept of high resolution and large screen means that our project costs increase.
  Attracting the attention of advertisers, gaining their admiration will reduce the cost of marketing activities and help you keep the advertising prices high, as well as blocking the Led Screen projects that are planned to be established later in the region to a certain extent.

  4.  Company selection is one of the most important issues for an advertiser. If possible, companies that are experienced, have a wide technical staff, have a high level of knowledge, can respond quickly to the solution of malfunctions that may occur on your Led Screen, guide you correctly, and provide fast service when needed should be preferred.  The experienced company will describe to your technical staff what to do. The Led Screen, which breaks down frequently and remains out of order for a long time, loses its reputation in the eyes of the advertisers and it becomes difficult to collect advertisements on a discredited Led Screen.

  5.  Although your Giant Led Screen will promote companies, introducing this service at the beginning of the job, accelerating the cash flow and giving the right image brings the chance to do this job at high prices. The shortest promotion is that the Led Screen is suitable for the definition of the Giant Screen, that is, it is large, the established point is good and the remarkable content is published.

  6.  The biggest mistake made in Led Display advertising is to try to get advertisements by lowering the price. As a result of this mistake, it will be impossible to raise prices in the future, and it will cause serious image damage as it will make it easier for anyone who wants to advertise. Your prices should never appeal to everyone. For this reason, the interest of the advertisers will increase as the advertisements of large companies are returned on this Led Screen. 

While advertising on Led Screens, dividing them into sections such as morning and evening, and receiving advertisements for a few days unfortunately do not attract the attention of advertisers, instead monthly, 3-month, 6-month, annual contracts are more attractive to people. Long-term contracts also make sense for the Led Display operator. It brings advantages such as long-term contracts, job guarantee, reduction of marketing costs, and lowering of content preparation costs. Like every trade, the social benefit aspect of the business should not be neglected, if possible, the publications of Public Institutions, Foundations and Associations should be made free of charge or with symbolic fees. Weather conditions, news broadcasts, celebrations of holidays, and interesting funny videos on Led Screens also increase the interest.


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